Sand Pumps

Sand Pumps

All of our Submersible Slurry Pumps are suitable to be used for pumping sand. Sand is pumped mixed with water up to 70% of solids by weight. The mixture of liquid and particles of sand and gravel is pumped in a procedure often used as a convenient way of handling sand and gravel.

There are many applications for sand pumps: sand and gravel extraction, dredging of rivers, harbors and marines maintenance or construction, beach reclamation, filling of Geotubes, among others. Here below you can read about some of the multiple applications of sand pumps.

You can find more about sand pumps fundamentals in our section Slurry Pump Basics.

We offer a wide selection of electric or hydraulic sand pumps, hydraulic power packs, booster station and dredges. You can find them in our products section.

Sand and Gravel Mining

One of the most popular methods of sand and gravel extraction is by dredging the river beds or the seabed. Sand is in great demand because it is used in concrete construction and for hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in oil or gas extraction. Our sand pumps are very successful in these applications.

We can help you to choose the size of sand pump that best adapts to your requirements. We have a wide selection of electric and hydraulic sand pumps. We can provide sand pumps alone, packages that could be installed on existing dredges, and complete pumping solutions like remote controlled dredges and cable dredges.

Sand and Gravel Mining
Sand and Gravel Mining
Sand and Gravel Mining
Sand and Gravel Mining
Harbor Maintenance

Harbor Maintenance

Because of sea currents and sedimentation in upstream effluents, the sea bed of harbors & marinas are frequently raised, making difficult the access of boats and vessels. Our sand pumps are a convenient solution for harbor cleaning, along with our remote controlled mini-dredges and cable dredges.

Harbor Maintenance 2
Harbor Maintenance 3

Beach Reclamation

Beach reclamation consist in restoring a beach adding sand to the areas of the beach affected by erosion. Our sand pumps have been extensively used in beach reclamation / beach nourishments projects.

Our pumps can be combined with Cutterheads or side cutters to increase the efficiency when the sand is too compact.

We offer a selection of electric and hydraulic sand pumps according to the requirements of each project.

Beach Reclamation 1
Beach Reclamation 3
Sand pump for Filling Geotubes 1

Sand pump for Filling Geotubes

Geotubes, which are made of Geotextiles, are long tubes of permeable fabric. Filled with sand or soil, they are used to prevent coastal erosion caused by the sea, marine storms and high waves, creating a wall near the location to be protected. They are also used for slope stabilization and dewatering applications in construction sites.

Thanks to the high concentration of solids in the pumped mixture achieved when you use a Dragflow sand pump, the drainage process of the Geotube is faster. The variable rotation speed of the pump allows to easily adjust of the system production in order to guarantee best mixing with an eventual polymer and optimize fill up cycles.

Sand pump for Filling Geotubes 2
Sand pump for Filling Geotubes 3
Sand pump for Filling Geotubes 4
Sand pump for Filling Geotubes 5