

DailyMed Announcements

Posted: August 17, 2020

Pillbox Retiring

Pillbox is being retired in January 2021, for further information please see the NLM Technical Bulletin. DailyMed will be removing associated links to Pillbox currently labeled as "TABLET/CAPSULE ID TOOL" in the "MORE WAYS TO SEARCH" section.

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The DailyMed RSS feed provides updates and information about new drug labels approved by the FDA and published on NLM's DailyMed Web site.

About DailyMed

About DailyMed

The National Library of Medicine (NLM)’s DailyMed searchable database provides the most recent labeling submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by companies and currently in use (i.e., "in use" labeling). DailyMed contains labeling for prescription and nonprescription drugs for human and animal use, and for additional products such as medical gases, devices, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and medical foods. The NLM provides DailyMed to the public and does not accept advertisements. The labeling on DailyMed is typically reformatted to make them easier to read.