How to select the slurry pump properly

Slurry pump selection is to do the technical calculations before you buy the slurry pump , the selection result is directly related to whether the production could be carried out smoothly or not, as well as the cost of production control, so before the purchase of slurry pump you must pay strict treatment of slurry pump selection.

  • Calculate the critical flow rate according to the slurry parameters S, D, Cw
  • Calculate the water pipe head loss according to the given flow and pipeline conditions and draw the water pipe characteristics curve
  • Draw the slurry pipeline characteristic curve, and find a given flow under the head
  • Calculate the water head, the head increased by 10%, come to the required head
  • Determine the type of slurry pump according to the slurry characteristics
  • According to the given flow and the calculation of the pump water head selection pump specifications, a pump can not meet the requirements of the head then considering the pumps in series. Calculating the working pressure and bearing life of the pumps and determine them whether meet the requirements.
  • Draw the water and slurry pipeline characteristics curve drawn in the selected pump performance curve, get the pump operating point, and find the pump n, NPSHr, η value
  • Calculate NPSHa. To determine whether the pump is running without cavitation, in the calculation should be considered to increase the head of the operating conditions after the margin (Such as: NPSHa <NPSHr + 0.3, can change the pump installation or re-selection of the import)
  • Calculate the pump shaft power, and check whether the shaft power is less than the selected pump power, (in the calculation of the head should be increased after the head of the balance) to select the standard motor
  • Chose the type of transmission, installation type and shaft seal type according to the speed and power
  • Calculate the export pressure, to determine the shaft seal seal water and water pressure

Step by step slowly and slowly you will chose the right.