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In dredging sand and gravel are often transported through pipelines mixed with water. In order to determine the pumping power required, the resistance has to be determined. The transport process is always an interaction between the pump and the resistance of the mixture transported. There are many models in literature to determine this resistance, expressed as the hydraulic gradient, but which model is suited for the case considered. The paper will give an overview of some of the most used models and show a method to compare these models and make a choice of the best suited model.
A head loss model for slurry transport in the heterogeneous regime
Sape A. Miedema
Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
article info
Article history:
Received 20 July 2014
Accepted 10 July 2015
Slurry transport
Heterogeneous transport
Multi-phase ow
Head loss
Hydraulic gradient
Although sophisticated 2 and 3 layer models exist for slurry ow (here the ow of sand/gravel water
mixtures), the main Dutch and Belgium dredging companies still use modied Durand and Condolios
(1952) and Fuhrboter (1961) models, while the main companies in the USA use a modied Wilson et al.
(1992) model for heterogeneous transport. These older models use one term for the excess pressure
losses, the pressure losses resulting from the solids, with an empirical character. A new model has been
developed based on energy considerations. The model consists of two terms for the excess pressure
losses, one for the potential energy losses and one for the kinetic energy losses. This gives more
exibility matching experimental results. Although the model is derived fundamentally, the slip velocity
of the particles is still an unknown in the model. An equation for this slip velocity is derived, based on
physical parameters. The resulting model is validated with numerous experimental data from the
literature and from the Delft Dredging Laboratory and matches very well. The advantage of this model is,
that it requires the parameters known to the dredging industry and is thus easy to use.
&2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Although sophisticated 2 and 3 layer models exist for slurry
ow (here the ow of sand/gravel water mixtures), the main
Dutch and Belgium dredging companies still use modied Durand
and Condolios (1952) and Fuhrboter (1961) models, while the
main dredging companies in the USA use a modied Wilson et al.
(1992) model for heterogeneous transport. When asked why these
companies do not use the more sophisticated models, they answer
that they require models that match their inputs and they feel that
the 2 and 3 layer models are still in an experimental phase,
although these models give more insight in the physics. Usually
the companies require a model based on the particle size dis-
tribution or d
, the pipe diameter D
, the line speed v
, the
relative submerged density R
and the temperature (the viscosity
of the carrier liquid
). Parameters like the bed associated
hydraulic radius are not known in advance and thus not suitable.
Usually the dredging companies operate at high line speeds above
the limit deposit velocity (LDV) in the heterogeneous or homo-
geneous regime. This implies that the bed has dissolved and 2 and
3 layer models are not applicable anyway.
Still there is a need for improvement, since the existing models
give reasonably good predictions for small diameter pipes, but not
for large diameter pipes as used in dredging. Recent projects
require line lengths up to 35 km with 5 to 6 booster pumps and
large diameter pipes. Choosing the number of booster pumps and
the location of the booster pumps depends on the head losses.
However it should be considered that the slurry transport process
is not stationary. Densities may vary from a water density of 1 t/m
to densities of 1.6 t/m
and particle size distributions will change
over time. This results in a dynamic process where pumps, pump
drives and slurry transport interact. The fundamental 2 and 3 layer
models require a stationary approach, while the more empirical
equations may take the dynamic effects as time and place
averaged effects into account. The question is whether a semi
empirical approach is possible, covering the whole range of pipe
diameters and giving the empirical equations a more physical
background, but still using the parameters available to the dred-
ging industry.
The paper rst gives a short introduction of the DHLLDV model,
followed by the derivation of the slip velocity equation. Simplied
models for small, medium and coarse particles are derived for
sands and gravels, followed by a comparison with the Durand and
Condolios (1952) equation. Finally the application of the model
derived for graded sands and gravels is shown.
2. The Delft Head Loss &Limit Deposit Velocity model
The Delft Head Loss & Limit Deposit Velocity (DHLLDV) model
is such a model (see Miedema and Ramsdell, 2013, 2014b). The
model is based on constant spatial volumetric concentration C
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Ocean Engineering 106 (2015) 360370
... For sliding bed slurry flow (Miedema & Ramsdell, 2017): ...
... For fixed bed slurry flow (Miedema & Ramsdell, 2017): ...
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Slurry pipeline transport is widely used in several industrial processes. Calculating the specific power consumption (SPC) and determining the best working conditions are important for the design and operation of transportation systems. Based on the Shanghai Jiao Tong University high-concentration multi-sized slurry pressure drop (SJTU-HMSPD) pipeline-resistance-calculation model, the SJTU-SPC model for calculating the power required to transport a unit volume of solid materials over a unit pipeline length is established for a slurry transport system. The said system demonstrates a uniformity coefficient in the 1.26–7.98 range, median particle size of 0.075–4 mm, particle volume concentration of 10–60%, and pipeline diameter of 0.203–0.8 m. The results obtained were successfully verified against existing experimental data. The influence of parameters, such as particle-gradation uniformity coefficient, median particle size, pipe diameter, and particle volume concentration, on the SPC were analysed. The results revealed that the greater is the uniformity coefficient, the smaller is the minimum specific energy consumption and the larger the optimal transport concentration for a constant, median particle size slurry. As observed, the optimal transport concentration for broad-graded sand equalled approximately 48%. These results supplement the conclusions of existing research, indicating that the optimal transport concentration is approximately 30% and provides theoretical support for high concentration transportation of broad graded slurry.
... Because of their high efficiency and environmental friendliness, pipeline systems transporting slurries are frequently utilized in dredging (Miedema, 2015(Miedema, , 2016a, tunneling (Yang et al., 2018), mining (Gillies, 1993;Sharma, 2017), petroleum (Messa, 2013), and chemical Zhang, 2012, 2013) engineering applications. Slurry can essentially be defined as a mixture of solids and liquids (Abulnaga, 2002). ...
The Eulerian–Eulerian two-fluid model (TFM) in combination with the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF) and the Johnson and Jackson boundary condition is widely used to simulate multiphase flows in engineering. However, this model requires the calibration of several parameters. One of these parameters is the specularity coefficient, which characterizes the particle–wall collisions. Thus far, research on this parameter has been lacking in the field of slurry flow simulations. In this study, the integration of TFM with KTGF and the Johnson and Jackson boundary condition is used to simulate the transportation of sand–water slurry in horizontal pipes. The effects of different specularity coefficient values on the predicted solids wall shear stress, velocity, and concentration are analyzed. It is found that the solids wall shear stress increases with the specularity coefficient and is more sensitive to the smaller specularity coefficient. As the specularity coefficient increases, the profiles of the solids velocity and concentration are rotated clockwise, shifting the maximum velocity point to a higher vertical location and producing a plumper solids concentration profile. These qualitative conclusions may be used as a reference for the specularity coefficient tuning process in the field of slurry transport simulations.
... As key equipment in the separation and transportation system of solid-liquid two-phase materials, slurry pumps are widely used in the mining industry and other fields. Slurry pumps also play an important role in channel dredging, coastal construction, and other fields of marine engineering [1][2][3][4]. The presence of solid particles directly leads to the prevalence of high energy consumption, severe wear of flow components, and poor operational reliability of solid-liquid slurry pumps [5][6][7][8]. ...
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The slurry pump is one of the most important pieces of equipment in mineral transportation and separation systems, and it has complex two-phase flow characteristics and wear mechanisms. By employing numerical and experimental methods, the solid–liquid two-phase flow characteristics and wear patterns were investigated in this study. A two-way coupling discrete phase model (DPM) method was used to predict the flow pattern and the wear location and shows good agreement with the experimental observations. The pump performance characteristics of numerical results under pure water conditions were consistent with the experimental results. The effects of particle parameters and operating conditions on the internal flow field and wear were compared and discussed. The results show that the wear degree increased with the increase in volume flow rate and solid volume fraction. With the increase in particle size, the wear range at the impeller inlet became significantly smaller, but the wear degree became obviously larger. This study provides a basis for reducing the wear and improving the hydraulic performance of slurry pumps.
... In recent decades, as application of modern research methods, such as large-scale conveying platforms, advanced testing methods and instruments, numerical simulation methods, detailed studies were achieved on the motion mechanism and dynamic characteristics under complex working conditions, e.g. special or mixed particles, vertical transport, different flow patterns and their transformation (Li et al., 2005;Chung et al., 2007;Vlasak et al., 2007Vlasak et al., , 2014Sobota et al., 2009;Miedema, 2015Miedema, , 2016aMiedema, , 2017Sellgren et al., 2016;Hashemi et al., 2016;Xiao et al., 2016;Li et al., 2018;Xiong et al., 2019;Dabirian et al., 2018). TUDELFT integrated slurry transport experience and achievements in dredging field and developed "the Delft Heads Loss & Limit Deposit Velocity Framework", which was a powerful tool for performance calculation of dredging conveying system (Miedema, 2016b). ...
Conference Paper
As a premise research, performance and optimization strategy for conveying system of hydraulic dredgers is studied. Calculation method of conveying system performance is formed by combing pump performance and pipeline resistance formulas according to available researches and engineering experience, with the restriction of pipe blockage, pump cavitation, and excavation capacity. Three cases of different operation scenarios are applied to verify and analyze the performance of dredger conveying system. Calculated conveying performance is in good agreement with measured in each case. The results show specific properties of dredger conveying system: there is an optimal working point for conveying system for each pump speed(s) under certain operation conditions, characterized by the maximum production and the minimum energy consumption; there is a perfect pump speed when conveying capacity and excavating capacity is matching, which leading to production maximized and energy consumption minimized at the optimal working point; different operation mode (pump combination) leads to different conveying performance. Therefore, the basic idea and strategy of conveying system optimization is to determine the appropriate operation mode, find the perfect pump speed, and keep the optimal working point. Meanwhile, excavation operation shall be kept or adjust to match conveying capacity as much as possible.
... The water-pressure changes along a pipeline can help in understanding the mechanism in the two-phase flow to illustrate friction loss, and the reduction of pressure in a turbulent flow state has been evaluated [32,33]. Formulas to calculate the hydraulic gradient or head loss have been developed based on energy considerations [34,35]. Dimensional analysis methods have been used to predict drops in pressure in the flow of solid-liquid suspensions [36,37]. ...
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This paper presents an experimental and field investigation on the efficiency of plugging by pouring aggregate in different sequences through multiple boreholes in a tunnel with flowing water. There have been controversies surrounding the selection of the pouring order for different particle sizes of aggregates and the order in different boreholes. A visualized experimental setup is used to investigate the influence of the pouring orders on the efficiency of plugging through multiple boreholes under the flowing-water condition. A case study of the salvage of a flooded mine using ground directional boreholes was investigated and compared with the experimental results. The water-pressure difference at the aggregate-capping moment, when fine aggregate was poured first and coarse aggregate later, was relatively small, compared to that when fine aggregate was poured upstream and coarse aggregate, downstream. The result implies that the efficiency of plugging with the order of pouring fine aggregate first and coarse aggregate later in different boreholes is better than that with the order of pouring fine aggregate upstream and coarse aggregate downstream. When the poured aggregate is about to be capped, increasing the pouring intensity with the same or a larger particle size is more conducive to capping. The case study shows that pouring fine materials in the early stage reduced the cross-sectional area; in the later stage, the aggregate particle size was gradually increased, which can be helpful in forming an effective water-barrier section in the tunnel. The pouring of aggregate provided a base for cement grouting to form a water-plug section with a length of 106 m, resulting in a sealing efficiency of 100% for the case.
... Mathematical models have been one of the methods used in the development of centrifugal pumps. In this way, it is possible to perform a simple analysis of the performance parameters [13][14][15][16]. However, for complex industrial processes, the analysis becomes tedious and impractical. ...
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The present study aims to use the analysis of CFD in a centrifugal dredge pump, to predict by mathematical correlations the effect that changes in the main variables of the dredging process would have on the behavior and efficiency of the pump. The OpenFOAM® open source software is used for the development of the study, through which a series of operating conditions that the dredging pump experiences in its operation were reproduced. The information collected from the output variables in the pump allowed us through statistical analysis, the development of mathematical correlations that allow us to directly identify the relationships between the process variables and their influence on the pump behavior (suction pressure, discharge pressure, total dynamic head, NPSHr and efficiency). The results obtained indicate that the simulation process allows a high prediction to be obtained with respect to the actual pump conditions (error below 4%). Mathematical correlations demonstrated efficiency for the operating range of work from 83% to 64%. Additionally, the NPSHr analysis allows defining operating limits that avoid adverse effects such as cavitation.
... Solid particles are labeled as bed load or suspended load based on the support force and the motion of the particles in solids [3]. The heterogeneous to homogeneous transition of slurry flow in pipes was studied by Miedema [4]. The transport of sand/water slurries along a horizontal pipeline has been the subject of many studies, for example those by Soepyan et al. [5] and Zouaoui et al. [6]. ...
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This paper presents an experimental investigation on the main factors that influence the effects of pouring aggregate to plug a tunnel that has been inundated by groundwater to reduce the flow velocity. Moreover, a criterion for plugging the tunnel under infiltrating water to resist flow is proposed. A range analysis and analysis of variance both show that the influencing factors on the efficiency of plugging in descending order is the aggregate particle size, followed by initial velocity of the water flow, and then the water–solid mass ratio. The sedimentation process of the aggregate is likened to the deposition of solid particles into slurry in which the particles settle under gravitational force, thus accumulating at the bottom of the tunnel model due to the forces of the water flow and gravity. The critical velocity of the water that will transport the aggregate without settling can be used as a criterion to determine whether there has been a successful plug of the resistance to flow in the tunnel. The experimental results show that the critical velocity of fine aggregate is less than that of coarse aggregate, and the section with smaller sized aggregate or fine aggregate that resists water flow is flatter. In addition, the required minimum space between two pouring boreholes for a successful resistance to flow is discussed.
... In recent decades, research on pipeline transportation systems has been ongoing. Continuous improvements and corrections of sediment pipeline transportation resistance calculations have been conducted by numerous researchers, such as Durand and Condolios, 1952), Newitt et al. (1955), Gibert (1960), Wasp et al. (1977, Jufin and Lopatin (1966), Zandi and Govatos (1967), Charles (1970), Bain and Bonnington (1970), Kazanskij (1978), Shook et al. (1986), Shook and Roco (1991), Tomita (2002, 2003), Matousek (2009Matousek ( , 2011, Wilson et al. (1965Wilson et al. ( , 1980Wilson et al. ( , 1982Wilson et al. ( , 1987Wilson et al. ( , 1989Wilson et al. ( , 1990Wilson et al. ( , 1997Wilson et al. ( , 2002Wilson et al. ( , 2003Wilson et al. ( , 2006, Doron et al. (1987Doron et al. ( , 1993Doron et al. ( , 1995Doron et al. ( , 1996Doron et al. ( , 1997, Talmon (2013), Thomas (2014), Ramsdell (2015, 2017), and Miedema (2015Miedema ( , 2016aMiedema ( , 2016b. ...
The existing formulas for calculating the pipeline transport resistances of granular materials are mostly based on the experimental data for single-sized or regularly graded particles. Consequently, it is necessary to simplify the in-situ distribution using an equivalent size, such as the median particle size (d50), arithmetic mean size (dm), or harmonic average size (dk), in the sediment transport resistance calculations. This simplification completely ignores the effect of particle gradation on the pressure drop, particularly in the case of multi-size, high-concentration particle transport. Therefore, the mechanism and degree of influence of the particle size variation in different flow conditions on the pipeline resistance was investigated in this study. The interaction between the differently sized particles in the graded slurry was also examined. Furthermore, a new model called the Shanghai Jiao Tong University high-concentration multi-sized slurry pressure drop (SJTU-HMSPD), which is based on the particle size distribution and multi-regime slurry resistance in pipeline transport throughout the flow velocity range, was developed and is presented in this paper. The SJTU-HMSPD is more suitable for calculating the pipeline transport resistances of complex graded slurries, and the calculation results agree well with the experimental data. All the input data are available in practice making the model very convenient.
... The dredging industry has provided a safe passage for ships across the world's oceanic channels [1]; thus, characterizing dredging operations to study the phenomena related to this activity requires high investment. A cutting suction dredge (DSC) is a floating platform equipped at one of its ends by a cutting device. ...
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A model has been developed to characterize the cavitation phenomenon in dredging centrifugal pumps. The operating parameters of a cutter type dredger: swing speed, dredging depth, and inclination, impeller rpm, as well as slurry characterizations such as density and velocity, are introduced, to determine how they influence the operation of the dredge pump. The geometric characterization of the hydraulic transport system of the dredger was performed. With the dredge operationaĺs parameters, along with the geometric characterization, the pump is modeled in CFD turbomachinery software. To validate the operational points, the CFD model considers the RNG k-ε model and the cavitating-multiphase flow. Through the central composite experiment design, the operating conditions range of the dredger is determined, in which the pump can operate and cavitate. This allows validating the model for different operational points. Finally, multiple regression shows the influence of each of the variables in the response obtained. Furthermore, the regression allows an understanding that operating conditions of the dredger must be adjusted to mitigate the phenomenon of cavitation in the dredging process. Keywords: Cavitation, Centrifugal pump, CFD, Dredging, Slurry
As an efficient and environmentally friendly method of delivering solid particles, the transport of liquid–solid slurry through a pipeline has attracted considerable attention. However, the flow characteristics of the slurry in large-diameter pipes, especially multi-sized slurry, are far from fully understood. In this study, an Eulerian multiphase model is applied to investigate single- and multi-sized slurry flows in horizontal pipes. The results show that the pipe diameter has a distinct effect on the particle distribution and that the flow properties of multi-sized slurry are different from those of single-sized slurry. In the 900-mm pipe, the variations in the solid concentration and velocity distributions of single-sized slurry are significantly affected by the particle size and efflux concentration but display weak dependence on the mixture velocity. The total particle concentration profile of the multi-sized slurry becomes relatively symmetric in the upper half of the pipe and highly asymmetric in the lower half with increasing mean particle size. The pressure drop per meter of the single-sized slurry first decreases and then increases with increasing particle size, and the pressure drop of the multi-sized slurry containing coarse particles is much higher than that of the single-sized slurry under the same working conditions.
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A formula for determination of settling velocities is presented. Settling velocities can be determined for optional densities of particles and fluid as well as for various particle shapes.
Hydraulic transport of sand is one of the key processes in river, lake, harbor and waterway dredging. Understanding the flow resistance, solid distribution, flow stratification, transport economy, etc., in the two-phase flow of sand-water mixture through a pipeline is crucial to the design and operation of power drives of a dredger, and to the construction of a dredging project. The intensive laboratory experimental data and physical and numerical analyses are presented on the highly concentrated slurry flow under an extended large range of slurry mean velocities for three narrow-graded sands of different size. The investigation indicates that the solid concentration and particle size strongly affect the slurry flow characteristics.